19.4.2024 | 00:39
Crowds If Wrong, ljóð frá 8. janúar 2019.
Throughout lost but lives are great,
less than mile from other souls.
If I lose the greedy goals,
get it by the shade...
Feeling low when frameworks go,
Friends and lovers, rich or poor,
Waiting by the war room score,
wishing for a peace and youth to show...
Only choose you woman, wife,
wealth of happiness and trust.
Others changes, rain and rust,
reeling for the life.
Can't see eye to eye on that,
only pirates garden, dear.
How they control, hell and fear,
Heaven never in the smallest tat.
Crowds if wrong may never nail,
newer truths or victory real.
Tell them how in Hell you feel,
hanging from the rail.
Heroes they are hard to find,
how they suffer, bullied, shamed.
Will there be the newer named?
Never for the one to be so kind?
Cheap in numbers, young, just all?
only for the knowledge true.
Let it be the latest you.
Lards will try and fall...
For the kindness love will last,
like the first to go in hard.
See the hole and crying card,
come and make it, don't be such a nast.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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