21.3.2024 | 00:59
Last Of Someone, ljóđ frá 6. janúar 2019.
Met her in the train of tears,
tugs of war for endless spring?
Said it's better, sad and strong,
saviours gone to lose the wing.
Last of someone losing trust,
laid down for the mistakes dear!
Arrogant so every girl,
until they will have the fear.
Blames are falling, brinks of war,
better still than knowing well?
Fools of glory from the dark,
feeling all of tattoo's hell.
If the last is on the brink,
every person, madness show.
Happy ever, have no fear,
herds of power, never go.
Storms will gather, strings of butts,
strike and leave it by the door.
Utter this in silence since
sons and daughters rush to floor.
Want to help them, waving still,
Watson tell me, silence thick...
Careless on the carousel,
coming from the ruling brick.
Goodness hides but gates will show,
greatness open, so I feel.
Daughters, find me firsthand look,
fresh they step from downtown wheel.
Self at last, here sufficient,
say no to them, going back.
Women from my past of pain,
pinwheels rolling, giving slack.
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (31.3.): 69
- Sl. sólarhring: 84
- Sl. viku: 1004
- Frá upphafi: 141192
- Innlit í dag: 58
- Innlit sl. viku: 768
- Gestir í dag: 51
- IP-tölur í dag: 50
Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.
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