Get it right, ljóð frá 17. ágúst 2022.


Simple, clear and someone spoke.

So it's never... did it, knew it... Rightful, token...

Explain? Nothing? After that?

Only those who can...

Give me someone, funny fan!

For the one who's gone and spoken.

When he found them, woke,

with the simple cat...

You should go and get it right,

grounds for zero, into night.


Had to let them go for good.

Girls in rows, and then it's over, made for losers...

He knows, that's the hilly crap,

hover, proves it well!

For the latest brother's bell!

bat in trousers, life in choosers!

Maybe in the mood!

Must leave, give them slap!

Someone wrote it, said it, man,

see it, feel it, while you can!


There's the reason, vision, vile!

volatile and getting bigger, famous leader...

Little babies, stamps and stars,

starters, in the rose.

Where the southern wind still blows...

We are leaving, find the greeter!

Poor the silent pile!

Pity them for scars!

She's just phony, for the rest,

find out who's there real and best!

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Ingólfur Sigurðsson


Ingólfur Sigurðsson
Ingólfur Sigurðsson


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