Rest In Centuries To Become Light, ljóđ frá 18. júlí 2017.

Like the lust,

lying on the beach and feeling good.

Make it more,

must be on the rack where past was, should?

Babies full of brimstone gather dust,

before mistakes, remake sadness,

giving him the gladness,

gotta see that peace comes for the war.


Fear there first?

From the moment, do you speak your mind?

Why can't we

wake there understanding from behind?

Every richer bubble's gonna burst,

born to see the tower falling.

Hear the higher calling,

Heaven's still there for the needy, me...


So they say

something like the ego going free.

Wrong or right,

regulations for the pain in me?

Get up stronger from the fearsome day,

find the human trait and gather,

Ring the true bell rather,

rest in centuries to become light.


Body's built

bile of thousand suns in power now.

Get it, grow,

games are made for power anyhow.

Every person, always feeling guilt,

only he's the father giving,

for the little, living,

let it wait and don't say always no.


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