Truer Bond, ljóđ frá 19. október 2019.

Saw the holy, cuddling cow,

came to win and not to boast.

Riding high on riddled ghost,

repel them in clothes so torn.

Forever forlorn.

Frame me not, just love me now!

Babies then are born,

bitter in the corn.

Palace of your dreams is dying,

dear one, here the baby crying!

Fog is flying...

feel like nothing's gained, but lost.

Gave it all then killed by other's cost.


Hoping for the happy get,

here no more and don't they say?

Take it bad if tamed that way,

took me while to see you bare.

Soul is then seen there!

Someone kissed is in your net.

Friendship good so fair,

feels like something rare!

Kind she wasn't, lost the learning,

like the first that I was yearning.

Brittle, burning!

Bollix, who's the soulful mate?

Next time someone might come lost and late.


True love, you can't tame the crowd!

Take it that way, drink the wine!

Thought you were so fat and fine,

further on the path it dawned,

Spinning there, just spawned,

speaking until he came out.

Growing good and awned,

grains of truer bond.

Other girls are always better,

if you'd like to feel much wetter.

So go and get her!

Grazing still, the perfect house.

Missing romance, more than just a spouse.



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