10.10.2024 | 00:02
For the happiness just bow, ljóð frá 11. nóvember 2018.
Winter cold, I'm waiting still,
will she be the right for me?
Sitting on the sill,
seeing not the beauty there.
So you think there's something here?
Same I followed, leading,
heart is bitter, beating,
best to risk it, shatter dreams,
not just nice as seems,
never will they perfect be!
Listen to me, less you speak,
lighter feeling, understand.
Slim and almost sleek,
slipping by in other's dress.
Body right, the mind's a mess,
mistakes, unlearn baby,
first you must say maybe,
more than ego, two in love,
diving, pretty dove!
daughters used to take that hand!
Wanna tame you, want your love,
we are almost perfect now.
Heaven high above
how you lust the mabe!
Feel your love just for me babe,
first you stop your messing,
around, all the dressing,
only live for mate, this here!
Find no more the fear!
For the happiness, just bow!
Mabe: Perla sem vex inní skel lindýra, ekki sporöskjulaga heldur hálf, vex inní skeljum, ekki skrokkum lindýra.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (14.3.): 61
- Sl. sólarhring: 76
- Sl. viku: 522
- Frá upphafi: 138725
- Innlit í dag: 51
- Innlit sl. viku: 386
- Gestir í dag: 48
- IP-tölur í dag: 47
Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti.
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