27.9.2024 | 00:31
Revenge for the robust guy, ljóđ frá 29. júlí 2023.
Revenge for the robust guy.
Reverence is what he's looking for.
I'm a lion, like you knew,
lot for such to really do.
Hurt me, train me, wonder why?
Well she's maybe looking for a score...
We are on the verge of something great,
Victims rise and secrets do unfold.
Looking for the losing gold?
Like when they could not find real mate?
Will she love him? Won't they bow?
We are in a time of love and hate.
Thought you wiser, so I said,
something maybe I then read.
Made me stronger Cully cow,
can they find and use another bait?
Thesis only, throwing something new?
Thought I loved you, you're now someone else...
Waiting only... what he tells?
We could do more, good when I loved you.
Violet baby be my girl.
Best of groupies, made me almost proud...
Gave me what I needed, now
not be such a hopeless cow...
See the world in such a whirl,
someone knows what this is all about...
Did they shun you? Doors of real war?
Dying monsters learn to behave good.
Maybe better, looking lewd,
Let me tell you, we could find the door.
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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