23.9.2024 | 00:34
Skinny Like The Rest, ljóđ frá 23. marz 2023.
Now you've got your future, fame,
females better, so you wave.
Pain and sickness, pity them,
partly 'cause there's always gem,
somewhere hidden,
geishas gotten ridden
of, then hide the hardy name.
Violet maybe someone's dream,
not mine, skinny like the rest.
Never knew what was just best.
Why should I miss someone?
How could you love anyone?
So we hate each other.
So love is no more.
Maybe your fault? Who was so bad?
Maybe I was hurt?
Is it possible?
So who will talk together?
Something for stones and dead things and not for us?
You watch the people die.
You don't have feelings anymore
because I don't love women
they way they're treating you,
you just can't no more.
Violet, I thought she was special, even better than the rest,
how wrong was I!
Now you should never love or trust,
I knew it.
And you see all this shit,
people destroying the world
because they hate each other.
What went wrong?
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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