Are we nothing more than a bait?, ljóđ frá 15. marz 2022.

Peace is better, pride is hurting,

princess here will make the others die.

She is seeking

servants only, rich.

Now they fight to lose their life,

like there's nothing better still.

Evil sin and Eve is doing this.

oh so mighty, still the bitch!


So they wanna say it's better,

soldier bleeding for the women's cause?

World it waiting,

war for power, land?

Now they fight just for their own

fall and can't see what is wrong.

Does it matter whom you serve, if saved?

Souls will lend a better hand.


Evil many as they wage it,

we can't find who's side is better now.

Secrets surely,

say it, bluffed like us.

Now they fight just for the loss,

full of lies that we've been told.

Don't you know in West you Satan serve?

Someone fighting might be wuss.


Women fear that we are changing,

wars to stabilize their Satan's might.

Females frightening,

full of lust and hate.

Not so obvious, never was,

now we have this bogey man.

Alien women always hurt and rule,

are we nothing more than a bait?

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