Must As Might, ljóđ frá 8. apríl 2023.

See I'm easy, she may stay,

so I like her, tell myself,

life ain't long,

and let the better elf

control take and tame you, nothing wrong,

turn this into a better day.


They don't know it, dim and dark,

deeds are lost and murky still...

Wait for war,

we can't have the fill...

They will hate you, take the bitter bore,

before difference takes it stark.


I can love you as I want,

only what I tell the soul.

Must as might,

misfits they, their goal.

For their power finding what's not right,

framing men and try to daunt.


Time will come and tame the beast,

'till you find your world just smile.

Nothing new,

now you're filled with guile...

Earn your place with deeds you love to do,

and drop the other shoe at least.


Hatred is in women's world,

wait the serpent's living there.

Pray for pride,

pity what you bear...

and those creatures, killing what is right...

keep me always sick and burled.


Kindly, as I'm caring now,

can't say this will go that far...

Devils dust

dripping into scar...

will they know and if it is a must?

Only one more holy cow?


Will you let your spirit speak?

Sprinkle dust of forgiveness?

Anger off,

all we better guess...

keep it, later he will have the boff,

how we all will show the cheek....


Revenge? - Only right time, wait...

recognizing nothing yet...

Don't see dry...

devils what you get?

Lost it, have they? Never want a why?

Walking crazy, getting late?

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Ingólfur Sigurðsson


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