15.7.2024 | 00:52
Zeals Are No More, ljóð frá 19. janúar 2023.
Must the year be at her garden's gate?
Groping for the mindless set.
Faith then for the world,
funny how they wrongly met.
Little souls are lost in greed and faith,
and lust in her, the colour shunned.
God is hating her,
he no more does want her, stunned.
Friendship dried when common cared they not,
cried for places distant both.
Wasn't meant that way,
walking down as he then quoth.
Faith is gone, it's zombies zone on earth,
zeals are no more, cold and bare.
Dying, gone, no gear,
garments torn, and saddened fare.
Feel like I am growing old and grim.
Grievance can't make people right.
Women wave and go,
what is real in coming light?
I help the mother, how they understand?
Had I just the place so big...
See I'm poor, in pain,
pity us, the losing twig.
Can't give more if care they not or pay,
crowning job, the saviour, rich...
We are way too gone...
the world is done and so the bitch.
Robbing mother, son will help to hell...
here on earth they wrongly choose...
What they want right now...
we are bound to suffer, lose.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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