11.7.2024 | 00:36
Place Of Prime, ljóđ frá 7. september 2023.
Only world of sharks of shame,
shocking news just everyday.
Thought to have the thorough name,
thunderbolts and strong new way.
Understanding all?
If I gave you well.
Free? No, only fall,
first the saddest hell.
Time will come, stones are then written and wrought,
women are changing, you'll find, so they taught.
Found that love and fine new wife,
Folsom man is closer still.
Maybe gave him madder life,
meanwhile they shall get their fill.
Go to place of prime,
perfect, that's the game!
Never no more, dime,
nothing for the shame.
Going through motions but getting it still,
grinding through madness if somebody will...
Tired, get up, trained for more,
trolls are more than seemed, you know.
Empty souls, the way for war,
we are bound to lose and go.
Men in little line,
laid to such a rest.
For the perfect pine,
pity, never best.
I wasn't ready but hardened by hell,
how would I love her, if she came to dwell?
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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