9.7.2024 | 05:39
Better Hesitate, ljóð frá 3. nóvember 2023.
So the hero can't get love or life,
like the world is ripped and falling down.
Best of all is burned in Hell,
better hesitate in New World's town.
Beauty is so bored right now,
beasts so many coming through.
They will find what fails,
first the empty cow.
Dying, what you do,
dripping from the snails.
Human ain't we no more, neither good,
night is falling, aliens taking souls.
Girl I need you, go to me,
gates of pain for newest fashion holes...
No one can say no, or what?
nether spiders throw their web.
Told you, tattered all!
Time is what they got!
Even her, the ebb!
Only waiting fall!
Other's loss when hero's songs ain't sung,
seems like everything is done from top.
Is she real or only now
unlived monster, showing harder flop?
No rights for the human hole?
Heaven lost and can't go back?
Caves are coming near,
can't find better goal.
Shagging in the shack,
shame and only fear.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (15.3.): 76
- Sl. sólarhring: 120
- Sl. viku: 531
- Frá upphafi: 138831
- Innlit í dag: 61
- Innlit sl. viku: 397
- Gestir í dag: 55
- IP-tölur í dag: 55
Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti.
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