Wont To Lose, ljóđ frá 11. október 2023.

No matter what you make,

more than ever predestined.

Man, how much she sinned!

May I show you love,

from the stars so strong above?

Stay and give your best,

God will guide the rest.

Good to feel the nature's lake!


Prisons of the pride,

pulling wool, and eyes go blind...

Must they obey, mind?

More than one to choose...

Ways are only wont to loose!

We are habit's fools!

Right may not... the rules...

real souls we always hide!


Righteous? Call you can,

care for someone foreign then?

Questions, quite the hen...

quitting school for good...

see me? That's the moron's mood...

must be good to him,

just the normal Jim,

jinx and moving fingers, ban...


Older now, we all...

even they must keep their place!

Falling far from grace!

First they tend their need!

World so full of fals and greed!

First they show the mask!

Never normal task...

needs are different, 'till we fall!




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Ingólfur Sigurðsson


Ingólfur Sigurðsson
Ingólfur Sigurðsson


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