5.7.2024 | 00:05
They Could... ljóð frá 23. desember 2023.
No place left and heaven's gone and pain is perfect tool...
pity me when all my friends have left...
seems like someone's theft...
see, I was the fool.
Playing careless, cool,
coming to an end?
Must they bear and bend?
bitter so the life is draining out,
past the perfect drool,
pity rules and shout!
When I do it, say it, understand that all is pain,
even family gone and lost, at drift...
sorrow from to sift...
see you gone and just in vain...
Lost the lucky grain,
let me end this game.
So they're sad and tame?
shame, I can't find life and must go home,
all is only rain,
as they killed the dome.
Angry men they inwards turn and so they now could kill
carefree women having power, much,
Evil all, just such,
even they must pay the bill.
Someday sure they will,
seeing the right end,
nothing more to mend...
madness crying, don't find nothing right,
cats on clawing hill,
care no more to fight.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (17.3.): 10
- Sl. sólarhring: 149
- Sl. viku: 580
- Frá upphafi: 139036
- Innlit í dag: 8
- Innlit sl. viku: 476
- Gestir í dag: 6
- IP-tölur í dag: 6
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