Revenge In The Spirits Space, ljóð frá 14. apríl 2024.

Take the love, so full I fell,

feel ye not this charity?

Opposites, simple minds, holographs heavy,

her wars and religions breaking the levee.

No more will the Christs then come,

cracking up for some.

Can I come and dwell?

Care you still for me?

Maybe only atmosphere,

after what they fear...


Don't care what is right or wrong,

rigid fools have made their way.

No one should think that he knows me much better,

narrow it, all the same, coming to get her!

Can't learn when the truth is told,

taming the real gold?

Standing no more strong,

stay until the day...

Learn it, all is understood,

after the wrong mood.


Revenge, in the spirits space,

speak then as you gain the means.

Sufferings making him more of a ruler,

making the criminal richer to fool her.

Upside down, and all ye knew,

is there more to do?

Merits for the mace?

More than where she leans?

Make this more than wonderful,

may I teach the rule?

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