29.5.2024 | 02:34
Jake For Job, Me? Ljóđ frá 16. september 1989.
Out of school and only now
am I loving, girl for you.
Miss you, morning,
may I go right through?
Focus, boy, and feel what's right,
find her, show your love!
Stay then with her strong through night,
stellar, she's the dove!
Real, my feeling, rolling thing,
rumbling skys, the victory, bow!
How I miss you, here I feel,
Herdís like the world is past.
Can I come back?
Can I feel what's best?
Guđný Lára got me too,
guns of better days...
Coming back... I can... I do...
care for other ways...
Without babes you wail and rack,
wait now, hear me, this is real!
'Cause of you, I fell you for,
fame in school ain't nothing yet...
Like you live now...
love ain't what I get.
Life is empty, only you,
always beauty, right.
So this love is somehow true,
say yes, no more fight!
First time thought I wait now... wow!
What a cutie! Highest score!
Other girl for all the tide,
if she's ready, make it shine...
Jake for job, me?
Just the lovely shrine...
Would you take me, want me now?
Will you be so kind?
Heaven waits, the holy cow,
how you would me bind!
Babe you make me funny, free,
feel this love and all is right!
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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