26.5.2024 | 16:03
Can't Just Stay In School, ljóð frá 19. febrúar 1997.
Can't just stay in school, the sky
sconce, we dwell and that's the place...
Wonder not so why?
We are beauty's face!
Sexy girls are somewhere still,
summer in the heart of all!
Lust in land will kill!
Lives are bound to fall!
Karen, beauty, boast you will!
Bride of today, mine not yet?
Heading for the hill?
Hell is what they'll get!
Mayfair beauty, must be seen,
Merlin's truth on every door.
Scanning for the screen,
scum on earth, the floor.
Girls in school were taking toll,
time was out, I had to go.
Getting one more goal,
greetings, tell them so!
Loved you as the other, babe,
oh they were not really bright!
Cuddling under cape,
cross the darkness, bite.
Sexy girls in short time skirts,
so they call now even me?
For the one who flirts...
fields of women, see!
Karen darling, care I not?
Keen and greedy, must go ape!
Heaven is so hot!
How I need you, babe!
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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