27.4.2024 | 01:22
Lucubration Told Them, ljóđ frá 9. maí 2019.
Shy, the girl and speaks so sparsely now!
Spawn of useless words, but silence last!
Didn't say it... care for such a cow,
come then home and stay as bride...
Feel it when it's foremost right,
face yourself and dare to love!
Shifty whom to shove,
shipmates tell them, but it's in the past.
Social status, love is all they like!
Lucubration told them what to do.
Must say that I dig the quiet deich,
drill of something neat to feel.
Girl you're almost eerie, real!
Ever heard of friends like that?
Charming for a chat,
chosing one who's almost gone and through.
Used to let them rise in rivers deep.
Rovers come to turn it backwards still.
Mothers for those maidens tweeting weep,
more for boys in trouble grim.
Didn't feel so slimy, slim,
slip into the brokers dream.
Care for lover's cream?
Can't take more when turnout, someone will...
Now we're sitting, friends, but love you lie...
like you will not swim in waters deep...
Got your face in jars, but wonder why?
Weather ain't there, stillness all...
Not yourself when creeps will call,
keep it locked for better days!
Warning in the ways?
Well it's clear now, only should they weep...
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (31.3.): 10
- Sl. sólarhring: 221
- Sl. viku: 945
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- Innlit í dag: 6
- Innlit sl. viku: 716
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- IP-tölur í dag: 6
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