30.8.2023 | 00:02
Maiden fair, you're starting to be right, ljóđ frá 3. október 2017.
Love is further, lost for trains,
leftists made me suffer for the deed.
Ásta baby, if I would,
ever maybe, then I should...
Finding furlong need,
first they leave you, worthless gains...
Like a friend you chatter child,
chieftain of the past that was so great.
I hear the words, but how I'm lost,
heaven maybe, too I'm bossed,
around and met the mate,
more than lost her, going wild.
Yes I like just you, and them,
youth is spent on fools and we're so old...
Life is maybe like this, babe,
lions don't no more go ape.
Easy, only cold,
even so, you're beauty, gem!
Look back on the life I have
lost, and house, and grandpa, friends there too.
Life has passed me by, oh bride,
brittle kiss on hand, I might...
Loving life and you?
Likewise, where should someone nav?
Would I miss you? More than so!
Maiden fair, you're starting to be right...
Just my type, but time is wrong,
take yourself out of nice throng!
Nice we'd meet tonight
naked, trust me, then just go!
Gotta make this mine and say,
maiden what I need and also feel...
Still I'm shy and stranded here,
strongly maybe in the fear...
Baby, beauty real,
born to make it right, each day!
Between doubt and lust I lie,
like you now but they are many still.
Pass you'd really make at me,
maybe I would love you free.
Strive for strongest will...
stiff they go to mountains... why?
Films they make this wrong and rough,
reset what you've learned, 'cause I'm no drone.
Hit the moment home with me,
heaven there if both are free.
On you girl I've grown
give the rest, but life is tough!
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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