26.7.2023 | 02:03
The power in the crowd, ljóð frá 16. ágúst 2022.
Normal people need to cut it out.
Never will they help us if we're poor.
Crimes are turned to laws with lies,
look, they make you believe all!
Freedom for the mind,
first you leave behind.
Famous, big, must fall,
fellow man, the power in the crowd!
Hope and victory when he tries!
war is bad, and leaves the children sore.
Point out, foreign? - Same in someone's lawn...
See the mistakes... foolish, rich, the greed...
Parliament, in power, still...
proud to lie and turn us down...
Nothing, neither right
nor the righteous fight!
Only cruel, the crown...
come and make a revolution, dawn...
See they bulldozed Beverly hill,
but for money, only worthless creed.
Social credit, soon no freedom more,
see the moving fingers in the west.
Hate those fools that proudly pain
in parliament are making still.
Take them, turn them down!
Trotsky! Fools, the crown!
Only overkill!
All they do, the mistakes, greed, the war...
Learned and trained, the will in vain,
woke up, saw how better ruled the guest.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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