If foul further..., ljóđ frá 30. ágúst 2022.

Wrong as then and so they say,

something won't come other way.

Ladies for the luck and pride,

let them find the dust.

Can't say that he caught them glad,

craving girls don't show up, mad.

Mend it, if you must,

more than usual fight.

Often times I told,

turtles went for gold.


Only for the money, more...

may they fall and love the war.

Do it, give him gold and land,

great if women see...

Victory scant and bluff is born,

brides of hell and different scorn.

Miniwage for me...

my own past was grand...

Have could helped them, still

hell, if someone will...?


Pride is hurt if poor he stays,

perfect never, losing ways.

Justice can't be found if foul

further is the road.

Look, I give up, disgust dear,

darlings once that now I fear.

Got it, so they gloat!

grim the righteous owl!

Let them find it, learn,

losers now will earn.

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