11.7.2023 | 01:57
Feathered Friend, ljóð frá 29. ágúst 2022.
For the one so failing, lonely,
friends no more I trust, oh Violet.
There I step not, women waking?
working slavery all they get?
No I really never baby
knew you well and say your feelings quiet stay.
bitches tied and trolls then plenty,
told me wrong and what they may.
So you lose your friends and feathers, still
fly no more like angel, never will.
Black and dark her mood is melting,
must I close this lovely friendship, babe?
Grinch is laughing, grinning, sad time,
girls no more they stay in shape.
Cliffs of sorrow, crying lovers,
Colours fine they change and you're so sad and blue.
This time I won't crawl there crying,
come my way or forget too.
Sadly angels lose their numbers, name,
now it's going, just a crying shame.
Girls have lost their beauty, boring,
bet you never understood me, right?
Sin is all and shameful cruelty,
so they let go without fight.
I thought she was my feathered friend then,
found out she was just the devil's hurting child.
Greedy women strong and striving,
still are harpies running wild.
Sinking now in hell, with claws not kind,
kindred had to leave there just behind.
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Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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