9.7.2023 | 01:42
Female dictator, ljóđ frá 19. ágúst 2022.
So it's only silence here,
since we have that female dictator.
Best for us, and brothers down,
born to suffer, as the door.
Must be crazy, man, it's true?
Many times and not a change in sight.
Revolutions? - Rolling, gone...
rigid fools, and what they might.
Beasts will never get the gear,
going nowhere, maybe to the drain.
Don't speak, let them fall and fail.
Fellings also just in vain.
Commies, proud of painful job.
Painting towns so red with mistakes, blood.
Deny all and dwell there not!
Just so laughing, only flood.
Tell me, will you learn who'll lie?
Leftists give you promise, nothing more.
Soulless, smiling, seeing all,
so they know and make a war.
Pointless friend to say it's so.
See they know, and conscience isn't there.
Empty shells and only that,
aliens, so lofty, bare.
Tattooes, and they're trying hard,
telling you how really good they are.
Opposites will only tell,
all what's best won't go so far.
So it's only silence here,
since we have that female dictator.
Best for us, and brothers down,
born to suffer, as the door.
Um bloggiđ
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
- Í dag (4.2.): 19
- Sl. sólarhring: 76
- Sl. viku: 817
- Frá upphafi: 134752
- Innlit í dag: 14
- Innlit sl. viku: 539
- Gestir í dag: 14
- IP-tölur í dag: 14
Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.
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