The Rich Man Yells, ljóð frá 24. ágúst 2022.

Gotta look my best and show the fancy feelings.

Formost though I gotta know what's fashion... in.

Don't care what is right or true or good, you gain some cash,

gotta use the tricks because the rich man yells loud that's no sin.


Then I meet someone who tells me I'm just empy...

even dad he tells me that I'm no good lad.

Loose my folks and still I can't change... try it... take it off...

Time is flying, disapearing, getting old and bitter, sad.


Shallow maybe... still it's clear I'm just like Jacob.

Jobs are here and man can't wait and hope all day.

Well I did it... as the partner... see the lady, look...

losers only know what's right and good and follow such a way...


Look who's talking...  not the one who bears the brunt now...

burdens heavy ain't for me... just understand...

Sure I'm young, but they are too and life is little... short...

listen... problems? Responsibility oh... that ain't grand...


Hell, so be it... did I know or learn, well... like them...

look it took so deep a thought... and I was fast...

Hadn't time, the party going strong and steady, yeah...

still it's maybe kind of right and so we're making up at last.

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Ingólfur Sigurðsson


Ingólfur Sigurðsson
Ingólfur Sigurðsson


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