22.6.2023 | 02:30
Chatting Women, ljóð frá 28. ágúst 2022.
Somewhere by that empty evergreen,
only cement, what you think is right.
Slaves are proud if mark is made,
morons in the newest fight.
Love I have to give to girl like that.
Getaway in towns of sorrow, pain?
Tattoos always turn me off,
time and life here spent in vain?
Chatting women, chimes of Satan's bell.
Cherish barely women's right, and hate,
men and children, more of shame,
members of the hellish gate!
World gone bad and way too soon my babe,
we are only poor and struggling lame.
Friends no more, just foes or what?
Feel like it's a crying shame.
Justice is your juggling game, no more.
Jazz or bullshit, in the wealthy court?
Do we learn from deeds of shame?
daft we cannot see the port.
Many broken, loss of lifes and pride,
losers and the drug will turn them off.
Veering to the venom still...
vibrant moment, painful scoff.
Could I only let you know of love,
lives will burn out when we're lonely here.
Heaven gone and Hell so close,
how to deal with world of fear?
Somewhere by that empty evergreen,
only cement, what you think is right.
Slaves are proud if mark is made,
morons in the newest fight.
Um bloggið
Ingólfur Sigurðsson
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