Sinning Town, ljóđ frá 6. janúar 2019

Abbey road is almost here,

as they come for nothing but the fear.

Suffer in the sinning town,

see or hear the voices coming down.

Bitter girl is hating him,

how I go so far away...

Respect dwindling, taking sadder sides,

she's the victim of the barroom nights.

Turning into a robot really dim,

rest I now by other, find the day!


Learning never, leaning still,

lots of people thought so, never will!

Better only when it's worse?

Wake up, taking on the bitter curse!

Abbey boys are always right,

envy them the lesbos, see!

Ásta, thought so, only losing war.

all the nation wrong, just fiendish bore!

Should not deny right, so rather fight!

Rule then Hell girl, better to go free!


Women hating, ways are gone!

Working for the losing, only son!

Murky town and mornings dead,

maidens, demons, enemies so red!

Slander, jokes, then booze and babes,

brilliant to relax and smile!

Older maidens only see what's wrong.

If you're right you laugh and feel then strong.

Feminism favours boredom, tabes,

feel this hellish, stupid, lonesome guile.


Skýringar: Tabes: Visnun.

Bloggfćrslur 21. október 2024

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Ingólfur Sigurðsson


Ingólfur Sigurðsson
Ingólfur Sigurðsson


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